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Showing posts from 2020

Want to be hired? Here's a tip for you !

We really do look forward to be hired when attend an interview. We also end up reading about the organization, people the vacancies and try to analyze a lot of things generally before we go for an interview because we know we are expected to be prepared and most of the time we realize that the first question the interviewer asks is to tell them about our self and here goes our customized express view starting with our name, the place we were born what our parents or siblings do, where we studied and so on. These are infact the standard answers we get when we interview candidates.   There is one thing that we really need to understand – the interviewer has our resume already and this question is more to gauge how confident and engaging the candidate is.  Your backstory, arguably the easiest piece of this puzzle.  You can talk about yourself, right?  You know what you've done,  you know where you've gone to school,  it's really easy to talk about your resum...

What do HR’s look for in your interview?

In any interview, questions  are asked to elicit facts or statements from the interviewee, that’s what an interview is all about. Here are certain insights to help you crack an interview better. 1.      Your Preparedness It’s really worth doing a background check before attending an interview as that’s one thing that really impresses an interviewer 2.      Carry yourself confidently   Reach on time, switch off your cell phone & dress for success. The way you carry yourself does make a lot of difference and gives your confidence a boost. 3.      Positive Approach Never play a chronic complainer or badmouth your former company, boss or peers as you might not be taken as a team player. 4.      Be honest, but don’t keep confessing!!! Interviewers are generally impressed if you confess what you have learnt from your failure showcasing your self-awareness, humility and acceptance b...

HR Challenges : Leadership & Change Management

Since HR’s are considered to be the ever-evolving realm of business management they are expected to constantly sharpen their management skills to stay ahead of the employment curve and jerk out of the dinosaur age and be in-line with modern workplace trends and technologies. This major phase shift leads to certain challenges that they HR’s would end up facing. Here are few insights on the top most challenges faced being a human resource professional. Change Management This is one of the most concerning issue as hindering our attempt in helping businesses to move forward. An intensified training focus would be required to develop competencies to deal with change management. Leadership Development This acts as a critical strategic initiative in ensuring that the right employees are retained. The culture of the organization supports to gain market positions, and equip managers to take up leadership roles  of the future to make the organization viable in long term ...

Transitioning to be a Great Manager

Sometime back there was a research project done to find out what differentiates a manager successful interviewing 10,000 + managers worldwide. Analysis of their answers clarified the clear difference between good and great managers. Guess What? The great ones simply know their teams well & know  what makes them tick. ! They understand their team and work with them accepting and understanding the different personalities in their team and also their strengths and weakness.  Know your Team Team Managers have a critical role in the making the key decisions about their team workflow, capability and configuration and also coaching the new team leaders and members in every aspect.  Understanding of people in your team is very important for decision making. With the understanding of the reliable personality typologies, managers can actually start understanding their people instead of hunches. Building up the people is the secret to building up the bottom line. Unde...