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Transitioning to be a Great Manager

Sometime back there was a research project done to find out what differentiates a manager successful interviewing 10,000 + managers worldwide. Analysis of their answers clarified the clear difference between good and great managers. Guess What?
The great ones simply know their teams well & know what makes them tick.!
They understand their team and work with them accepting and understanding the different personalities in their team and also their strengths and weakness. 

Know your Team Team
Managers have a critical role in the making the key decisions about their team workflow, capability and configuration and also coaching the new team leaders and members in every aspect. Understanding of people in your team is very important for decision making. With the understanding of the reliable personality typologies, managers can actually start understanding their people instead of hunches. Building up the people is the secret to building up the bottom line.

Understanding their Personalities
Its quiet important for Managers to understand the personalities of the people whom they work with as this helps them to know what motivates the team and what are the things that an individual would be inclined to do or not. This understanding would help to predict how the team would behave under various circumstances and when making decisions. It’s the key to the mystery of why few have personality clashes while ticks out well for some.

Sui generis “ Us”
 Personality is a mix of what makes someone who he is. The uniqueness can be because of the inborn skills and talents or might be taught ones , may be the environment in which we are brought up, our education, ambition, circumstances, impact of other or simply our personality type. While most of it is a variable factor, personality remains the same throughout life.
The way we manage ourselves or are managed determines the extent of most of our individuality & personality types. 

Great managers
Know who you are Managing ! Its the understanding of the  people’s personality types that differentiates successful managers from the rest. As great managers doesn't force people to become something they are not instead they recognize their talents & individual differences , help people discover their strengths and weaknesses and work out a way to develop themselves and groom them to grow into their new roles in which they can do more of what they are naturally “wired” to do.

Understanding of the personality types helps you to know why your team at work behave the way they do and understand the reason for “personality clashes” that can disrupt the flow of work. Understanding what ticks well totally changes the way you manage others.
You will acquaint the mastery to recognize their personality types, accept and work to develop them by understanding your team and their mind set which would inturn take you to a different level. Basically you need to coach your team. Sit with your newly transitioned managers and help them to set their performance expectations, discuss the broader business goals, chart out an action plans, discuss time priorities & how to identify the talents.

Reference- Understanding Personality types by Eric Garner


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