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HR Challenges : Leadership & Change Management

Since HR’s are considered to be the ever-evolving realm of business management they are expected to constantly sharpen their management skills to stay ahead of the employment curve and jerk out of the dinosaur age and be in-line with modern workplace trends and technologies. This major phase shift leads to certain challenges that they HR’s would end up facing. Here are few insights on the top most challenges faced being a human resource professional.

Change Management
This is one of the most concerning issue as hindering our attempt in helping businesses to move forward. An intensified training focus would be required to develop competencies to deal with change management.

Leadership Development
This acts as a critical strategic initiative in ensuring that the right employees are retained. The culture of the organization supports to gain market positions, and equip managers to take up leadership roles of the future to make the organization viable in long term

Measuring Effectiveness

Design the right tools and metrics to determine the effectiveness of HR roles in terms of its positive impact on business as well as transaction management as HR role is more of a strategic business partner to management. Evolving recognition could be provided by measuring the performance metrics of business solutions as this shift significantly represents the phase change from mere numerical hiring numbers to ROI of the new hires in the long term both collectively and individually as this approach can in turn distinguish the turnovers along with the replacement hiring cost.

Enhance Your Expertise & Skills

To meet the ever-growing human resource management challenges, right tools and strategies are required.
Working out how a strategic organizational change can increase productivity, quality is very important along with designing an effective training module.
Data Analytics is very important in making business decisions.
Technology can be leveraged to enhance the HR functionality.
Compensation and benefits is definitely a motivation factor for anyone therefore a budgetary skill is required for developing a successful financial management.

The Analytics portray Volumes

Analytics make you realize how significantly the trends and challenges impact the human resource management as there are many variables influencing it.
As per the statistics given by HR Leadership Council;
o    One out of four high potentials plan to quit the next year
o    Managers can be better coaches and improve performance by up to 25% by effectively development of employees.
o    Critical On boarding activities enhance new hire performance by 11.3%
o    77% of midsized companies use (or plan to use) wellness to reduce costs
o    Three out of five organizations restructure or plan to restructure within the next 6 months
o    Overall productivity is affected by decline in Employee engagement.
o    Visionary Leaders with people development skills are more likely to outperform revenue expectations
Being a business driven function, the role of HR changes with the business world through strategic planning and the innate ability to influence in decision making. If we look out for the major business challenges faced by HR I think the first thing that would come is the change management especially with the marching Millennials. A critical strategic initiative for leadership development needs to be initiated as this would be the second biggest challenge. Sometimes we just get swayed in the tide of traditional things and find it really difficult to understand and accept the new norm or any change but I guess its high time we change the way we look at things and adopt the new changes!


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